Happy New Year! A quick little post just to show what’s bubbling away in town while we’ve all been on holiday. You’ll recall that the first works of the CBD “Accessible City” transport projects were approved before Xmas and are currently under construction. That includes a new 4m-wide shared pathway alongside Hagley Ave.

The final sealing works (and hopefully markings) are still to be completed, but already you can picture what it might be like to use. The (more than) doubling of the previous width should make a huge difference to how well this shared path works (and hopefully dispel the doom merchants…).

The new path should be completed within the next month. Meanwhile, other works are continuing along Hagley Ave and around Hospital Corner. Next week, other works start further in along Colombo/Lichfield/Tuam Sts (including some exciting cycle facilities). So be prepared for possibly having to change your usual cycling route in the interim; keep an eye on Transport for Chch for the latest changes.
Are you looking forward to this new pathway? Do you want more like it?
Good to see progress. Lets hope it works well.
I wish the STMS guys would consider cyclists too when they’re putting their temporary barriers & signs out. Today cycling from Riccarton Ave to Tuam was scary. They’d put barriers on half of Tuam between Antigua & Hagley Ave/Hospital corner. Result was cars travelling north on Antigua then turning left onto Tuam were forced into the bold green cycle lane. Ok if travelling same direction but of course we weren’t ! Head on car vs bike waiting to happen.
Previous month in that area has a been a mix of car focused signage & barriers with the only thoughts of cyclists being the caution cyclists merging signs.
I don’t think that section is meant to be ridden eastbound yet (not until Friday); you’re supposed to go around Oxford Tce and down Antigua (or ride on the footpath like I do…). That “green cycle lane” will actually end up being a bus lane (and where the buses stop at the Hospital). I agree that the temporary signage is not great though – put in a note to CCC about it.
Oh, didn’t know. Lack of signs! LOL. I’ve continued to go that way as it’s been the way for years.
The STMS and signage is definitely an issue.. Hope the change in the Health & Safety Reform Bill brings about a shift in looking after all users.
As some of the city streets are due to drop to 30 km per hour when finished do you have any idea if this is happening along side all the new cycle options?
Not sure of the exact timing of the 30k zone, Joy. They will probably need to have done the necessary street treatments first (and there’s still more to come in the central city).
The shared path is now open! http://www.ccc.govt.nz/thecouncil/newsmedia/mediareleases/2015/201502051.aspx