We’ve talked in the past about those much-loved cycle lane separators that provide an easy way to improve the protection afforded by the humble cycle lane, especially approaching intersections and on the inside of curves. Lately we’ve started to see a few more of these treatments appear around the city. For example, with the reopening of Kahu Rd following the bridge works by Riccarton Bush, riders approaching Straven Rd now find a nice set of separator posts (and widened cycle lane) to help keep left-turners from encroaching on their lane (although could a car squeeze through there?):

Meanwhile, over near The Palms on New Brighton Rd another set of separators have sprung up:

Some more hook turn boxes have also been installed at this site. We’re starting to see these become more standard at intersection reconstructions around town.

Notice also that both sites feature a new brighter green surfacing. This “apple green” colouring will be the new standard colour used for future cycleway works; one benefit is that it should show up a lot better at night-time too.
Christchurch City have already compiled a good long list of potential sites for these separator treatments (thanks in part to your feedback), so expect to see more of them rolled out around the city as resources permit. For example, I think some more along the inside curves of Kahu/Kotare are in the pipeline.
Have you seen any other new cycle lane separators around town?
It took a lot of pushing to get them on Ferrymead bridge approaches and departures. I think what clinched it was that the posts also helped bring vehicle speeds down to the posted speed limit.
One side has already been knocked down, better a post than a cyclist!
I think these are a great idea, but they’re not a complete fix. Cars still turn left without looking behind them. This happened to me at the pictured Palms/Shirley lane. Perhaps straight ahead bikes best pay attention to indicators, and front wheel angle of the car nearest them.
Yes, although a great idea and I welcome many, many more, cycle lane separators are not a complete fix. While they do appear to prevent motor vehicle intrusion into the cycle lane on curves and at intersections (which is very, very welcome), they do not in any way prevent the greatest transgression of motorists: doing left hand turns directly in front of cyclists at intersections. Motorists MUST give way to cyclists in cycle lanes, but most don’t even look, let alone dream that cyclists exist even if they have just passed them. I feel the need for “look left and give way” signs on the cycle lane separator posts. They might make a difference.
More education needed, especially on the use and advantages of hook turns.
They work well, and help drivers remember to keep out of all cycle lanes when turning. I have noticed a marked improvement in drivers behaviour at intersections near the Strickland St separators.
Great to read more planned along the inside curves of Kahu/Kotare. Really hoping they put one on top of the repaired bridge heading west, of if not a post at least the green surface.
Criggie highlights the fact that drivers forget to look back at intersections for cyclists in cycle lanes. I’d previously suggested a simple remedy to this – paint the green cycle lanes right across the intersections – this way drivers can’t help but be reminded to look as they need to cross over the marked cycle lane.
We all know that intersections are dangerous for cyclists (and drivers), so why on earth do our decision makers decide to eliminate the cycle lanes through these intersections ???????
Colin is right!
This morning while approaching the Kahu road intersection (i.e. picture 1 above) a car ahead of my turned left across the cycle-lane in front of me without indicating or probably looking. Normally I am vigilant to check the line of cars to look for indicators which signal someone wants to go left but this person didn’t even indicate!
If I had have been 10m further ahead then I have no doubt that I would have been on the receiving end of a car vs bike accident.
Why on earth do they not paint the cycleways through the intersection or have signs warning motorists to look for cyclists prior to turning? I thought this would have been common sense stuff…
Separators please on approach to temporary bridge over Heathcote River at Ferrymead. I’ve lost count of the no. of times I’ve seen motorists in cycle lane here.
I did a research about their effects on road user behaviour in 2012, when the first seperators were installed in Chch. Great that there pop up more and more of them around the City! Huge fan! 🙂