Time again for another get-together of people interested in aspects of walking and cycling (aka: “active transport”) in Canterbury. The next Canterbury Active Transport (CAT) Forum will be held on Wednesday 30th April from 12.30-2.00pm at the Chch City Council Functions Room (1st floor of CCC Building, Hereford St). A light lunch will be provided from 12 noon, sponsored by the good folk at TDG.
Held approximately quarterly and hosted by Environment Canterbury, the CAT Forum is a regular meeting for those within the region who have an interest in the development and promotion of active transport, to encourage information sharing and cross-sector action between agencies. Anyone can attend, to meet like-minded people and to learn more about what is happening in the region.
The next CAT Forum has a range of presentations planned:
The Chch CC will showcase the Travel Choices programme that they are currently taking out to businesses to encourage active travel at work places, particularly businesses in congested areas and those moving back to the central city.
CCC will also demonstrate and promote the local government carpooling software www.letscarpool.govt.nz, which helps people with their travel choices.
Checking out Ilam Rd cycleway (c/ CCC) Probably of most interest to readers here, there will be an update from CCC on progress on the Major Cycleways. There are a few projects about to hit the ground around the city, so here’s your chance to hear a bit more about them.
- As always the Forum will finish with an Open Mike session, where there is the chance for anyone to pass on any other relevant news for active transport in the region.
Anyone interested in active transport is welcome to attend, but please RSVP to Kate MacKenzie by Wed 23 April for catering purposes: Kate.mackenzie@cardno.co.nz, ph.029-414-8935.
See you there!