The Christchurch transport plan is out to the public for comments. There is lots of nice talk about encouraging cycling but some very disturbing comments buried very deeply in the fineprint about how any funding to build cycleways will have to wait for 10-30 years before they bother doing anything about it. It is vital that as many people as possible make a submission to encourage immediate investment in cycleway building. Wading through the documents is a bit daunting so you can use my submission here (which follows the CCC submission form), or Spokes have 3 possible responses here or at
simply email your preferred response to . You can choose to speak to the city councillors on it which is of great benefit also. Submissions close 23/8/12
I love the bike sign. Can anyone do a series of these in strategic and recognisable places in Canterbury for Spokes to use in their PR. I’m thinking a media release with some of these pics initially, and as a resource for future articles / communications.