Christchurch City of Cycles?

Thanks to Spokes Canterbury for giving us a rundown on the draft Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP).

There are lots of illustrations and a clear explanation of why walking and cycling, Active Transport (AT) make sense economically, socially and practically. CCC featured AT in the Central City Plan which was adopted last year and AT even features in the new CERA blueprint plan for rebuilding the central city.

There really is a lot worth asking for in this Plan. Christchurch City Council has been kind enough to give us all the great reasons for why AT makes sense and even some ideas as to how to go about it.

They have also let us know in no uncertain terms on page 71 why we won’t get much more than a few tid bits of AT. The cost of the quake rebuild and the central government policy statement on transport overrule the Plans AT vision. That policy calls for local bodies to build strategic freight routes and local road in support of new highways, the so called Roads of National Significance (RoNS).

What Christchurch really needs is Rides of Neighbourhood Significance (RoNS)!

Fortunately we have heard that Councillors really do want to deliver AT infrastructure, but they need your help. They need the mass grass roots support which made Share an Idea so effective at putting cycling on the agenda.

You can write a submission quickly and easily. Thanks again to Spokes Canterbury for providing notes on the plan, links and for three sample submissions. Check it out at the link below. Please, share this widely.

If cycling is made a priority in the rebuild and a safe connected city wide cycle network is delivered in our lifetimes, it will be because lots of us insist that Councillors have the support to fund it.

Here is the link to let you share your views with Councillors.

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