Guest Post: Feeling the Love

Here’s another guest post from regular contributor Robert…

As a student in the 1970’s I attended a course at a centralised Technical Institute located in the Hutt Valley along with participants from throughout the country.  Inevitably amongst classmates and friends, …

Cycling Complaints: When Feedback is Appropriate

Another useful missive from guest blogger Robert:

The cycle safety debate continues and road user behaviour remains under scrutiny and comment. Could be time to offer some guidelines about making a complaint, if it feels that your recent ‘near miss’ …

Christchurch – The City that… Cycles ??

Regular guest blogger Robert has returned from his overseas travels and now turns his attention back to Christchurch…

Over the years, and more particularly since the earthquakes, there has been concern conveyed from various sources in the tourism, marketing and …

Guest Post Part 7 – Cycling in London

Guest blogger Robert wraps up his travels around the world with a look at one of the great cities of the world:

Since London probably needs little introduction, let’s start with a “What if…” question.

What if Boris Johnson had …

Guest Post Part 3 – Cycling in Madrid

This week, our roving guest blogger Robert has got himself to Spain’s capital city:

Madrid is located in the centre of Spain at an altitude of approximately 650m.  The central area undulates gently in a manner that could be compared …

Guest Post – Parking: The Critical Issue

Here’s another guest contribution from occasional blogger Robert:

If you drive a car, parking at the destination is always an important consideration for the success of the journey. Critical even. “Free parking“, “easy parking”, “convenient parking”, “handy parking” are all …

Guest Post: The Great Cycle Safety Debate

Here’s an interesting thinkpiece from occasional guest blogger Robert:

How has it come to this?

The recent publicity about cycle safety, highlighting cycle-related deaths and injuries is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, emphasising the problems that cyclists have …