How do we improve cycling in Christchurch? Come and tell Spokes Canterbury!

As a city, Ōtautahi Christchurch probably punches above its weight when it comes to cycling in New Zealand (heck, we’re even up there in world rankings…). But there is always room for improvement, and certainly the current Government isn’t showing much appetite for providing for cycleways at present.

So, with that in mind, local advocacy group Spokes Canterbury would like to invite anyone and everyone along next weekend (Sat 1st Mar, 10am-2pm) to hear about your experiences and ideas for making our city more bike-friendly.

Spokes are looking for your input on:

  • Your Top 10 Challenges: What challenges do you face while cycling in Christchurch?
  • Bike Parking: Tell us the top 10 locations where you’d like to see more bike parking facilities.
  • Road Crossings: Identify 10 places where you struggle to cross the road safely or where you feel it’s impossible to navigate as a cyclist.
  • Connections: Share your vision for 10 connections you’d love to see made between major cycle routes (MCRs) to improve accessibility and safety.
  • Anything else: Don’t feel limited by the above! If you want to share something else, come tell Spokes about it!
Could our cycling experiences in Chch be better?

Come along to Spark Place in Tūranga library (on the ground floor through to the back – look out for the Spokes Poster). Whether you can stay for the whole event or just pop in for a quick chat, Spokes want to hear from everyone! Your insights are invaluable in shaping a better cycling environment for all. Complimentary refreshments will also be provided.

How would you like to see cycling improved in Chch?

3 thoughts on “How do we improve cycling in Christchurch? Come and tell Spokes Canterbury!”

  1. This is I admit a small problem in the grand scheme of things compared to getting a cycle way out North West and East. However I’d love to see council do a better job or curb transitions, especially now with a baby, those curb transitions mean I will have to slow to a crawl. It’s strange as it seems to be so random where you find nice smooth transitions and ones that send a massive jolt up your spine.

    1. Hear, hear!!
      Where the Christchurch Coastal Pathway crosses the roadway into Scott Park (opposite 28 Main Rd) near Ferrymead Bridge there’s quite an unnecessary bump. There are many more.

      The design of the intersection at the corner of Frankleigh/Sparks Rd w Lyttelton Street is poor as one bikes out of town. The bike path along the east side of Lyttelton Street needs to be better indicated to those cycling south. This is being actioned under SnapSendSolve 1310236. Happy to provide more details

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