Happy Valentines Day! Or, if you’re like me and my partner biking out to dinner tonight, maybe that should be VELOtines Day? Twelve years ago today, I was busy doing other things bike-wise, as one of the presenters for Environment Canterbury’s (now defunct) Active Transport Forum. This blog post, from Feb 2013, previews the planned event…
It’s nearly Valentines Day again, and this year we’d like it to be VELOtines Day! The next Canterbury Active Transport (CAT) Forum, hosted by Environment Canterbury, will be held on Thursday 14th February and features a couple of interesting presentations.
The CAT Forum was set up to encourage information sharing and cross-sector action in Canterbury between agencies with an interest in Active Transport, including representatives from such sectors as education, environment, health and disability, recreation, sport, tourism, transport and local and national government. Held approximately quarterly, anyone is welcome to come along and join the discussion.
The keynote speaker for the next CAT Forum is David Engwicht (pronounced “eng-wich” BTW in case you’ve ever wondered), an internationally renowned creative thinker from Brisbane. David is well known for his work on “taming” traffic on streets and place-making, including authoring a number of books on the subject, and joins us to present his ideas and how they could be applied to the new Christchurch.

David will be followed by a short presentation by yours truly, Glen Koorey, on “Rebuilding a Cycle-Friendly Christchurch: The 1000-Day Challenge”. This will expand on the some of the ideas already discussed here at Cycling in Christchurch on how we can some get some quick wins on the ground to create a cycle-friendly city.

- Where: Russley Golf Club (Fairway Room), 428 Memorial Avenue, Burnside, Christchurch
- When: 2-4pm Thursday 14 February 2013 (Afternoon tea will be available following the presentations)
Did you attend any of ECan’s Active Transport Forums?