Here’s a request from student George van Pelt:
This year I am writing my thesis on cycling opportunities in Christchurch after the earthquakes. This project is being undertaken as partial fulfilment of the Master of Planning degree at the University of Otago.
Whether you are an avid cyclist or have an interesting view on cycling infrastructure in Christchurch, your participation in this study would be greatly valued. This survey involves answering a mixture of multi-choice and short answer questions, and will take you approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete depending on how descriptive you are. All questions are non-compulsory, so no worries if you are unsure or do not want to answer some of the questions!
The completion of this survey will help me investigate the current state of cycling infrastructure and perception in Christchurch in order to understand crucial aspects of what makes a cycle friendly city. If you are interested, please follow the link below. Thank you!
Survey link: