I hope that you got lots of biking done during February (and also filled in your ride details via the Aotearoa Bike Challenge). The summer weather has suddenly taken a cooler turn; let’s hope there’s still a bit of late warmth hanging around as we (technically) head into autumn! If not, this month’s coming events also include a few indoor things:
- Straight away on Fri 1st Mar, the Big Bike Film Night have a one-off screening of “One Day Ahead”, 7pm at the Charles Luney Auditorium. What if you and some mates could ride the Tour de France route just before the actual race? See what transpired when eight Kiwis tried it in 2018; tickets cost $16-$22.
{P.S: Make a note in your calendar now; the 2019 full Big Bike Film Night hits Christchurch on May 24 & 26….}
- Pushbikes Papanui continue their series of 1-hour bike maintenance courses on Saturday mornings (9-10am) throughout March. Learn about general maintenance or specifics like fixing punctures or looking after drivetrains and suspensions. Courses are just $10 each, be in quick to sign up.
- International Women’s Day is this month, and Frocks on Bikes Chch are celebrating in a couple of ways. Firstly, there are free Learn to Ride skills sessions for migrant and refugee women being held on Fri 8th Mar at either 9.30 or 11.00am at the netball courts in South Hagley Park. Contact RevolveChch@gmail.com to book a space (bikes, helmets and refreshments provided). Then on Sun 10th Mar from 1pm at Armagh St Gates, an International Womens Day Ride takes in significant places of interest related to wonderful women from the past to the present, finishing with refreshments at Pegasus Arms – all welcome.

- For anyone who likes to lead cycle rides and wants to hone their skills, Cycling NZ are offering another free Ride Leader workshop designed to improve your riding skills and help you to lead social rides for others. The workshop is on Sat 9th Mar from 9am to 3.30pm – registration essential.
- Go Cycle Chch has some more free training sessions and rides for new adult riders. You can choose from a ride around Addington/CBD on Tue 12th Mar (5-6pm), a cycle skills session at St Albans School on Sat 16th Mar (2-3pm), and a ride around St Albans also on Sat 16th (3-4pm). Make sure you book ahead with Connie.

- Does your bike need a bit of TLC? RAD Bikes are on hand every Sun (12-4pm) and Wed (5.30pm – dark) at The Commons (Durham/Kilmore) to help you repair your bike – or even build a secondhand one. And on Sat 9th Mar, there is a Pop-Up Fix-Up at the “Hello Hornby” community fair (Wycola Park), providing free bike repair/maintenance assistance between 12-3pm.
- Finally, good luck to all the keen riders taking part in Le Race over to Akaroa on Sat 23rd Mar. And many recreational riders will also be pleased to hear that the Sumner-Lyttelton Road will finally be open to traffic again from 6pm Fri 29th Mar.

Keep track of these and other events via our cycling events calendar; other activities do get added as we hear about them. For example, there is talk of reprising a “Climate Change Ride” later in March – stay tuned…
Where will you be riding this month?
Sumner Road is going to be chock-full that weekend… knocks 15 km off any Coffee-culture TDCC ride.
I’m so-looking forward to it !