I haven’t managed to write many other cycling posts lately – that’s because I’ve been so busy with Biketober! We’ve had a lot of great activities (including last week’s Asia-Pacific Cycle Congress – presentations now available online) and the weather has also behaved quite well. So now we’re onto the final push and there’s still plenty to take part in.
This week is headlined by the NZ Bike Expo, the first of its kind here. Organised by the Cycling Action Network, the Expo is a consumer show for all kinds of biking, whether you’re after the latest hi-tech sports bike, a new e-bike, some fancy cycling gear, or just some basic bikes for you and your family. Over 50 different exhibitors will be on hand to display their wares and let you try them out. The Expo will also feature a great variety of seminars covering all sorts of cycling topics, and there will also be some cycle races right on site too. So come along to Wigram Airforce Museum this Sat 28th – Sun 29th Oct between 10am – 5pm each day. Tickets are just $10 for adults, $5 for 11-17s, and free for under-11s – or if you have visited at least ten of the business in the Biketober Passport you will get half-price entry!
Meanwhile, there are some other activities also happening this weekend:
- Need some spare parts for your bike, or maybe you have some to give to a good home? ICEcycles will be having a Parts swap and Garage sale this Sat 28th Oct from 8.30-11am. Come along to the Phillipstown Hub (Nursery Rd) to check out the surplus parts on offer, such as tyres, inner tubes or even an old derailleur or three. All proceeds will be going to the new ICEcycles Bike Club for Kids.

- For women who are interested in enduro mountain-biking, local group Girls on Dirt are holding an Enduro event this Sat 28th Oct from 9am-12pm at Halswell Quarry. You can still enter on the day and be in to win some great prizes.
- If you want to bike to the Expo, the Biketober team will be leading a ride from town to Wigram on Sat 28th Oct from 9.30-11am. Meet up by the Armagh St Bridge in North Hagley Park and then follow the Little River Link cycleway out to the Expo.
- On Sun 29th Oct, churchgoers are being encouraged to bike to church; if we can bike to work, school and shops, then why not also to worship? Bike on your own or join up with a group; some places like Grace Vineyard Church are organising their own bike days.
- The Western Belfast Bypass state highway is nearly ready to open, and so NZ Transport Agency is holding an Open Day for people to walk, run or bike the 4km route on Sun 29th Oct between 10am – 2pm. Start at The Groynes and then you can wander along the new four-lane highway.
- Visitors to the Expo on Sun 29th Oct can also come by bike, thanks to a Lazy Sunday Ride to the Bike Expo. Meet at Church Square (Addington) at 11am for a short, gentle ride along the Little River Link to the Expo venue in Wigram.

- Finally, Biketober will round out with the Last excuse for a Biketober Ride on Tue 31st Oct. Meet up at Armagh St Bridge at 5.30pm for a cruisy ride around North Hagley Park before retiring to the Pegasus Arms for a celebratory drink if you wish. Families are welcome; being Halloween you might even want to dress up!
When Biketober finishes, the fun doesn’t stop there; already the diary is being fleshed out provide more rides and other biking events over the summer. Be sure to keep an eye out on our Activities & Events Calendar for the latest details about future happenings.
Will we see you at Expo this weekend?