As the days get warmer and longer, more excuses to get out on your bikes keep on coming. There are lots of interesting cycling events happening in November. Not all of them are completely finalised just yet, so make sure that you keep an eye on our Activities and Events Calendar for the latest info.
OK, here’s what you’ve got to look forward to (free unless otherwise stated):
- The Action Bicycle Club (8 Walker St) is a new bike shop in town catering for styley everyday commuter bikes. All of November, ABC will be hosting “Low Geared Coffee” events on Saturdays from 9am-1pm, with the first one this Sat 5th Nov. Learn about some of the more boutique methods of extraction or just talk bikes with bike heads – all over a coffee!
- Guy Fawkes Night is also this Sat 5th Nov, and the City Council will be having their traditional fireworks out at New Brighton. Want to avoid the usual traffic congestion to get there? Then join up with Frocks on Bikes as they lead a Ride to the Fireworks from 7.30pm. Meet at the corner of Barbadoes St and Cambridge Tce (near the cemetery) for a gentle ride out to the beach. Afterwards you can ride back again or choose to take one of the extra buses back home.
- The Chch Coastal Pathway is slowly unfurling along the water’s edge, and now you can enjoy the new section along the completed Beachville sea wall in Redcliffs. Come along on Sun 6th Nov from 10.30am to celebrate the official opening of the latest pathway section on Beachville Rd. There will also be games for kids, crazy bikes, busking, ice creams, face painting, and even sausages!
- RAD Bikes continue to host their regular Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening bike building/repair workshops in The Commons (cnr Durham/Kilmore). And Wed 9th Nov from 6-7pm sees their regular Wheel Womyn Wednesday session where you can come along and learn a bit more about looking after your bike in a friendly environment. By the way, the name refers to the “Wheel Womyn” who run this session – anyone can come along!
- We have an exciting visit to Christchurch when the Dutch Cycling Embassy return to our fair city to spread their wisdom and also to learn about what we’re doing. Some of you might recall three years ago when we had two previous Cycling Embassy representatives come and visit us. This time it will be Edward and Mirjam who will be coming out to have a look around the city and talk to various technical, council and community people. A public seminar is being planned for Thu 10th Nov from 5.30-6.30pm; venue at Ara Institute. We’re also looking at a ride with them on the morning of Sat 12th Nov along the planned Northern Line cycleway route, in conjunction with Spokes Canterbury; stay tuned for more details.
- ICEcycles have their final public bike maintenance workshop on Sat 19th Nov between 1-4pm at the Phillipstown Community Hub (Nursery Rd). Does your bike need some TLC? Come and let the friendly bike mechanics help you out.
- Tied in with the previous event, for less confident riders Go Cycle Chch will also be holding a Spring Ride for new adult cyclists. This will be leaving the Phillipstown Hub at 2pm on Sat 19th for a short and gentle guided ride around the surrounding quiet streets of Phillipstown and Waltham. Contact Connie if you’d like to take part.
- Finally on Sun 27th Nov another Lazy Sunday Cycle Chch ride is being planned. These are family-friendly easy ride for less confident riders – tentative thinking is somewhere in the Heathcote/Opawa area along the river (perhaps linked in with the Opawa Farmers Market?).

Don’t forget too that there are a number of public consultations due this month, including the Waimakariri District draft Walking/Cycling Strategy, the Quarrymans Trail cycleway, and the Northern Line cycleway. Take a look at what is proposed and have your say!
Hope to see you at some of these events!