Cycle Colombo Street – A fun ride activity for Christchurch.

“Looking down High Street while cyclists cross the intersection of Colombo and Hereford Street”
A casual ride for anyone who wishes to ride a bicycle of any description. Any time from 9-5 on Sunday 18 May.
Let’s celebrate cycling culture and the ease of cycling for transport by riding a bike on our iconic Colombo Street, anywhere from Edgeware, through town and Sydenham to Cashmere.
Too often cycling is depicted as unsafe and the tragedies headlined in the media. Those of us who do cycle know the joy of it. Get out and share the experience, and perhaps encourage more to take up cycling. By riding we keep the spirit alive and acknowledge those who have been harmed whilst riding a bike on our roads.
The hope is that many of us will take to our bicycles, obey the road rules and support the local merchants with your custom. With the City Council deliberating on the Annual Plan it is a good time to remind them that people really do want safe cycling infrastructure.
NB: Please….
- Where the road is closed for repair, follow detour signs, or if using the pavement please dismount and extend courtesy to pedestrians.
- There will be motor vehicle traffic as normal.
- Colombo Street north of the Square is likely to have less traffic than south of the Square. It may be more suitable for families who wish to ride with children.
People on bikes are important for the commercial success of our city. You are encouraged to support local businesses en route. Please show them that you came by bike by holding/wearing your helmet to send this message.
Should adverse weather be forecast, the activity will transfer to Sunday 25th May 2014. Please check at
In association with SPOKES CANTERBURY. Please share this activity with family and friends.
Brilliant! Hope to make it there..