After that Soft Brush with the Law recently, I have had little Meerkat Qualms about riding sans helmet. Meerkats scare easily and after only Two Sleeps, I was a little Bundle of Apprehension.
So imagine my chagrin when I hopped on Keith and went to don my helmet only to find I had left in in my car, which was Miles away (that’s Miles Toyota away), having a long sleep over whilst awaiting repairs. You guessed it, helmet was in car.
What was a Meerkat to do?
Nothing for it but to put on a Brave Face and ride off on my Round of Errands. Having had a Fruitful time in the new SPCA store in Ferry Road, and a Spontaneous Coffee with a Friend also rummaging, I remembered this Fabulous Little Bike Shop nearby, which I think is called Round Again Cycles. My Most Memorable Purchase from there is my set of ear warmers which clip onto my helmet straps – nice and toasty in Cold Wind.
So in I popped, thinking I might treat myself to an Odd or Unusual helmet, since I know they have a few of those in stock. Imagine my delight to discover the Second Hand Helmet bin, from which I made a Meaningful Selection (Winnie the Pooh is one of my Desert Island Books).

But as I surveyed the helmets, I had some very Funny Thoughts, the weirdest being: “Would that helmet be safe …?” “That one looks a bit Dubious …” etc. During my Social Experiment so far, I never anticipated I would be thinking like this. If I believe I am safe riding helmet-less-ly, why would I bother wondering about how safe a second-hand helmet might be? Hmm …