Looking for something to do this weekend? How about getting along and enjoying what the lower Avon River has to offer! 2012 is the inaugural year of the Spring River Festival to be held this Labour weekend all along the lower Avon corridor, estuary and beaches. A wide range of activities will be held to celebrate what the eastern suburbs have to offer, including sport and recreation, culture and heritage, environment and gardens, and entertainment and community.
Here are a couple that might be of particular interest from a cycling perspective:
- Contrary to its name, the Bum-buster Stopbank Bike-a-thon is not a race until the last one is standing! It’s actually a fairly leisurely ride up and down the two side of the river from Avonside to New Brighton and back. But of course, post quake, the ride is not necessarily a smooth one, so you’ll probably want your knobbly tires for this one! Saturday 20th from 2pm – more details here.

- Some of you might remember my post a couple of months ago about the various cycling-friendly initiatives happening out east. Well the Avon-Otakaro Network team are now looking to get some feedback from everybody about what they’d like to see along the Avon River corridor and in fact anywhere out east. You can visit any of the “Eastern Visions” stalls that will be set up at the major event hubs of the Festival during the weekend and write your ideas onto notes that will be collated into a big database. Or if you can’t get along on the weekend, you can still contribute by sharing your ideas online.
The weather’s looking a bit fickle for the weekend unfortunately, but do try to come along and enjoy what the east has to offer!